Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - Take Your Skills Offline

Internet marketers think the whole world knows what they do and how to do it. This is the kind of thinking that limits what you can do with your own marketing. Do you really want to know how to make a ton of cash with Internet marketing? Then take your skills offline. What do I mean? Keep reading this article and you'll understand exactly what I mean. It's going to open up a whole new world for you.

I'm talking about local businesses. You may not know this, but the average local business has all it can handle just running its business. They do the conventional advertising such as newspapers and phone books, but for the most part, when it comes to the Internet, they don't have a clue. Worse than that, they don't want to have a clue. They simply can't be bothered. This is where YOU come in. YOU can be bothered for them. How? It's really very simple. I'll outline the process and you take it from there.

Take any niche that you can find offline and go to Wordtracker to see if you can find any long tail keywords for local businesses. For example, let's say you're thinking of approaching restaurants in your area and you live in NJ. You might want to try looking up "restaurants in NJ" to which you may find a ton of searches. I know I have. The beauty if, these searches are also broken down into specific cities. This way, you can approach a restaurant in a particular city with your data. Show them how many people are looking for restaurants in their city on a daily basis. Explain how with a web presence, these people could find YOUR business.

When you approach these business owners, you need to do is carefully, especially if they don't know you. That's why it's always best to start with your local home town and the businesses that you yourself frequent. Restaurants are great. They can always use a couple hundred extra customers a month. If you can show them the potential growth by sharing the search stats you've dug up, they'll be more likely to do business with you. What kind of business?

This is the work part. Basically what you're going to do for them is keyword research, article writing about their business and finally putting up a simple web site featuring their product, whatever it is. You'll include a phone number and other ways to contact them. You'll set up a mailing list form. In other words, you'll do the same thing that you would do to promote YOUR web site, only for an offline business.

Can this be profitable? At $1,000 a web site and $50 a month to maintain it, it can be very profitable. Yes, it will take some leg work but in the long run, it will be the easiest money you ever made, especially if your efforts bring these people more business.

Give it a try. You might be surprised at the results.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

If you want to discover the REAL truth about Internet marketing and get some solid tips to take your business to the next level...get my free report at http://www.stevewagenheim.com/realtruth.html and subscribe to my REAL Truth newsletter where you'll discover more than from all those high priced ebooks combined.

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